SANET is an independent civil association, members of which agreed with conditions to provide each other with Internet services. It is a non-profit organisation whose members contribute to operation of the network. The SANET members must agree with the statute, rules of the usage of the SANET network and AUP.

Organizational Structure
The General Assembly is the supreme body of the assembly. It is held once a year. The General Assembly decides on basic questions of the assembly working. It elects a Board of Directors of SANET and gives an opinion on proposals of the Board of Directors which are related to further working. The General Assembly may agree with possible changes of the statute if it is suggested by the members of the assembly.
During the meeting of the General Assembly, the Board of Directors is entrusted with the solution of administrative and operating tasks. Its regular meetings are convoked by the chairman. The members of the Board of Directors are elected by the General Assembly of the SANET association. The meetings of the Board of Directors are publicly open. Questions related to the operation of the network of the association are discussed on the meeting of the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors decides on taking new members, making contracts, creating new nodes, upgrade lines, business trips, participation on international and national projects and further important questions.
The History of SANET
Two employees of Computer Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Ing. Martin Vystavil and RNDr. Jaroslav Bobovsky, came up with an idea to build up a global computer network. They initiated the first meeting of the deputies of Slovak universities and research institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
They agreed with the presented proposal and negotiate establishing the civil association SANET. Its aim was to build up and operate the computer network connecting academic and research organisations in Slovakia with possibility of connecting to the similar networks in the world.